All on 4 Implants

Ücretsiz Teşhis
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  • Anthony Jones
    People... If your thinking about getting your teeth done, then look no further. I was really nervous, an worried. Have I mad the right choice? Am I going to be scammed? But wow. Dental work was superb, not like the butchers in UK. The building and dental tech was 5. They made me feel so much at... +More
  • Zuza
    I came her a week ago for dental implants, from the start I was chatting with Ali who was brilliant and very responsive and helpful. I was picked up at the airport and taken to my hotel & honestly can't fault it. Met Dr Seker the following morning where we had x-rays and an in-depth... +More
  • Ron
    I do have a lot of work done on my teeth including crowns, root canals, fillings etc and finding a caring dentist who is honest was always a challenge for me, at last i found someone that i can trust my teeth with. Emre is a well educated and caring person who has the state of art equipment in his... +More
  • Dee
    Great service very professional and experienced staff had extractions and implants on the same day would definitely recommend
  • Rita C
    Absolutely Superb! Had my second part of my treatment and had recieved 1st class treatment again.I cannot fault this place at all. Thankyou to Prof Emmre and his Fabulous Team and not forgetting the Amazing driver. He was wonderful.
  • Emma Mitchell
    Perfect!!! I recommend Dentarma 100% The staff are so professional, friendly and accommodating. The quality of the service is fantastic. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.
  • Habilhan Yaldız
    My journey at Dentarma Clinic was an absolute delight. From the moment I walked in, I was greeted with warmth and professionalism. Başak Şeker and Emre Şeker's expertise in handling my implant treatment was exceptional. They patiently listened to my concerns and explained each step of the... +More
  • Mihaela ancuta Silica
    a week ago, I went to the clinic where I had the pleasure of meeting the best implantologist and a wonderful team, they treated me with great care, I didn't feel anything, no pain, I'm very happy, I recommend you with confidence
  • Mihaela Pintilie
    Great treatment, Great team and great results! I did have an amazing experience with professor Seker and all his team! I do appreciate and recommend Dentarma Clinic because my experience was very good and I left from the clinic with very good results and happy! God bless you all!
  • Michael Potter
    With such an abundance of dentists across the various cities of Turkey, What are the chances of finding one that Will deliver all your expectations. Please read my honest review, i feel utterley compelled to write. Jointly to promote Dentarma for their professional and personal experience they... +More


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All on 4 Implants in Antalya / Turkey


All on 4 Implants

Modern diş hekimliğinde oldukça popüler hale gelen All-on-4 tedavisi, implant tedavi yöntemi olarak birçok avantaj sunmaktadır. Bu tedavi seçeneği, özellikle tam dişsiz veya yakın gelecekte tam dişsiz kalma riski olan, geleneksel implant tedavilerine göre daha hızlı, daha ekonomik ve daha verimlidir.

Ağız ve diş sağlığı, son yıllarda yaşayacakları yaşamın tamamından mahrum kalmış biri haline gelmiş ve diş hekimlerinin diş protezi planlamasını önemli ölçüde etkilemişti. Hastanın artan uygulamaları daha fazla ilgi görüyor.

İmplantasyon; çiğneme, tat alma, konuşma, ağrı ve estetik nedeniyle kaybedilen dişlerin yerine koymak için geliştirilen yöntemlerden biridir. Ancak tamamen dişsiz olan veya yakın gelecekte tamamen dişsiz kalma riski taşıyan hastalarda implant tedavisi daha uzun ve maliyetli olma eğilimindedir. All-on-4 tedavisi, tam dişsiz hastalarda sinüs lift, kemik ilavesi ve yetersiz kemik nedeniyle ileri cerrahi gereksinimini ortadan kaldırmayı amaçlayan hızlı ve etkili bir tedavi yöntemidir.

All-on-4 tedavi konsepti, aynı cerrahi operasyonda yerleştirilen 4-6 implant üzerine sabit tam çene protez restorasyonunu içermektedir. Fonksiyon, estetik, tat, konuşma ve güven göz önünde bulundurularak hasta memnuniyeti sağlanır.

All-On-4 tedavisi nasıl yapılır?

All-on-4 tedavisinde geleneksel implantlarda kullanılan titanyum vida mekanizması kullanılır. Geleneksel implantlar ile All-on-4 implantlar arasındaki en önemli fark ağız içinde nasıl konumlandırıldıklarıdır. Tamamen dişsiz bir çenede eksik dişlerin yerine genellikle 8 veya 10 implant kullanılırken, bu yeni teknik yalnızca 4 implant gerektirir.


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