Alla på 4 implantat

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  • James
    Can not thank Emre and his team enough, from the minute I walked in I felt at ease, as I was extremely nervous. The clinic was modern and clean, can not recommend them enough. Gave me my smile and confidence back!
  • Anthony Jones
    People... If your thinking about getting your teeth done, then look no further. I was really nervous, an worried. Have I mad the right choice? Am I going to be scammed? But wow. Dental work was superb, not like the butchers in UK. The building and dental tech was 5. They made me feel so much at... +More
  • Cem Kayalı
    This place is awesome! I found this place through my brother's recommendation and I am happy with the treatment I had. I live in USA and I needed to start my implant treatment while I was in Turkey. I called them for an appointment and told them that I had a limited time. They were able to... +More
  • Charlie Yust
    First thing stands out about Prof. Emre Şeker besides his skills is his personality, what a sweet gentleman! I live in United States and go to dentist often and when I encounter him with the dentists in US, couldn’t even come up with an answer. The equipment he uses I’ve never seen before, very... +More
  • Habilhan Yaldız
    Dentarma Clinic has set a new standard for dental care in my books. The dedication of Başak Şeker and Emre Şeker in ensuring my implant treatment was nothing short of exemplary. Their professionalism and attention to detail were evident at every stage. What impressed me the most was their genuine... +More
  • Tanıl Cem
    Przyjechałem z Polski na leczenie zęba mądrości. Higieniczna, szybka i profesjonalna obsługa. Polecam każdemu.
  • Jolanthe Wolany
    Excellent!!!! Highly recommend.... My whole experience was just perfect from the arriving at the airport till leaving! The whole team,Dr Emre are very professional, carrying, friendly. The clinic has very high standards... Dr Emre are the best!!!!
  • Constantin Marin
    Very satisfied with all procedures at Dentarma. Very good team starting wit Prof. Dr. Emre to assistance and personalised driver. All team very professional and attended all my needs making the whole process flawless.
  • Haluk Tarım
    "My experience at Dentarma Clinic was nothing short of phenomenal. The professionalism and expertise of Başak Şeker and Emre Şeker are unparalleled. They instilled confidence in me from the initial consultation through the completion of my implant treatment. The attention to detail was... +More
  • Al G
    Excellent job by the whole clinic - from receptionist up to the doctor and nurses, very fast and precise diagnostics just before the operation! Doctors are very careful and knowledgeable, gave much precious advice on further care. Thank you team! Highly recommended!

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Alla på 4 implantat in Antalya / Turkey


Allt på 4 implantat

Allt-på-4-behandling, som har blivit ganska populärt inom modern tandvård, erbjuder många fördelar för patienter som implantatbehandlingsmetod. Detta behandlingsalternativ är snabbare, mer ekonomiskt och mer effektivt jämfört med traditionella implantatbehandlingar, särskilt för patienter som är helt tandlösa eller riskerar att bli helt tandlösa inom en snar framtid.

Under de senaste åren har mun- och tandhälsa blivit en av de avgörande faktorerna för individers livskvalitet, vilket avsevärt påverkar tandprotesens planering hos tandläkare. Praxis som ökar patientnöjdheten har fått mer uppmärksamhet.

Implantation är en av de metoder som utvecklats för att ersätta förlorade tänder på grund av tuggning, smakuppfattning, tal, smärta och estetik. Emellertid tenderar implantatbehandling att bli mer långvarig och kostsam för patienter som är helt tandlösa eller riskerar att bli helt tandlösa inom en snar framtid. Allt-på-4-behandling är en snabb och effektiv behandlingsmetod som syftar till att eliminera behovet av avancerad kirurgi på grund av sinuslyft, bentillägg och otillräckligt ben hos patienter som är helt tandlösa.

Behandlingskonceptet All-on-4 innefattar fixerad helkäkeprotetisk restaurering på 4-6 implantat placerade i samma kirurgiska operation. Med tanke på funktion, estetik, smak, tal och självförtroende säkerställer det patientnöjdhet.

Hur går All-On-4-behandlingen till?

All-on-4-behandlingen använder titanskruvmekanismen som används i traditionella implantat. Den viktigaste skillnaden mellan traditionella implantat och All-on-4 implantat ligger i hur de är placerade i munnen. Medan 8 eller 10 implantat vanligtvis används för att ersätta saknade tänder i en helt tandlös käke, kräver denna nya teknik endast 4 implantat.

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