Tous Sur Quatre (All-on-4)

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  • Trustpilot Excellent
  • Gökhan Alican
    Very proffesional people they do their job vey succesfully And very hospitality all stuff
  • Berna Tamer
    Professor Seker crafted a stunning new smile for me, showcasing remarkable talent. The pricing, in comparison to the USA and Europe, is exceptionally reasonable.
  • Ege su Yeşildağ
    My experience at Dentarma Clinic surpassed all expectations. Başak Şeker and Emre Şeker are true masters of their craft. Their expertise and skill in performing my implant treatment were truly impressive. What truly sets Dentarma Clinic apart is their personalized approach; they took the time to... +More
  • Haluk Tarım
    "My experience at Dentarma Clinic was nothing short of phenomenal. The professionalism and expertise of Başak Şeker and Emre Şeker are unparalleled. They instilled confidence in me from the initial consultation through the completion of my implant treatment. The attention to detail was... +More
  • Habilhan Yaldız
    Dentarma Clinic has set a new standard for dental care in my books. The dedication of Başak Şeker and Emre Şeker in ensuring my implant treatment was nothing short of exemplary. Their professionalism and attention to detail were evident at every stage. What impressed me the most was their genuine... +More
  • Ron
    I do have a lot of work done on my teeth including crowns, root canals, fillings etc and finding a caring dentist who is honest was always a challenge for me, at last i found someone that i can trust my teeth with. Emre is a well educated and caring person who has the state of art equipment in his... +More
  • Patrick Ferrara-Forbes
    Exceptional family orientated Dentist If you want a set of new teeth, But you can't be doing with the drama, Come visit us in Turkey, We are, of course, Dentrama. I wrote this whilst in the hotel, which was included in the package price. From the moment of first contact on WhatsApp, I... +More
  • Mrs Lynne Stephenson
    am a 60 year old lady I have just had 6 by 6 Dental Implants, done in May I was very nervous and anxious when I got to clinic Prof Dr Emre and his team greeted me on my arrival , Throughout my procedure Emre was very self explanatory, and very reassuring, I never felt any pain throughout my... +More
  • James
    Can not thank Emre and his team enough, from the minute I walked in I felt at ease, as I was extremely nervous. The clinic was modern and clean, can not recommend them enough. Gave me my smile and confidence back!
  • Mihaela Pintilie
    First of all a big hug for Dentarma Clinic! I was told that I cannot have normal implants, I was told that I have to make a huge operation(hip's bone, coast bone or had bone to put it on my mouth )...then I was told olso that I cannot have even a mobile prosthesis because my mouth situation... +More

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Tous Sur Quatre (All-on-4) in Antalya / Turkey


Tout sur 4 implants

Le traitement All-on-4, devenu très populaire en dentisterie moderne, offre de nombreux avantages aux patients en tant que méthode de traitement implantaire. Cette option de traitement est plus rapide, plus économique et plus efficace que les traitements implantaires traditionnels, en particulier pour les patients complètement édentés ou risquant de le devenir dans un avenir proche.

Ces dernières années, la santé bucco-dentaire est devenue l'un des facteurs déterminants de la qualité de vie des individus, influençant considérablement la planification des prothèses dentaires par les dentistes. Les pratiques qui améliorent la satisfaction des patients ont retenu davantage l’attention.

L'implantation est l'une des méthodes développées pour remplacer les dents perdues en raison de la mastication, de la perception du goût, de la parole, de la douleur et de l'esthétique. Cependant, le traitement implantaire a tendance à être plus long et plus coûteux pour les patients complètement édentés ou risquant de le devenir dans un avenir proche. Le traitement All-on-4 est une méthode de traitement rapide et efficace visant à éliminer le besoin d’une intervention chirurgicale avancée en raison de l’élévation des sinus, de l’ajout d’os et de l’insuffisance osseuse chez les patients complètement édentés.

Le concept de traitement All-on-4 implique la restauration prothétique fixe de la mâchoire complète sur 4 à 6 implants posés au cours de la même opération chirurgicale. Compte tenu de la fonction, de l’esthétique, du goût, de la parole et de la confiance, cela garantit la satisfaction du patient.

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