What is Bone Graft (Bone Powder Treatment)? How is it done?
What is Bone Graft (Bone Powder Treatment)? How is it done? Gallery
What is Bone Graft (Bone Powder Treatment)? How is it done? in Antalya / Turkey
Bone graft ( bone powder treatment ) is the treatment method used for the treatment of volumetric losses in the bone tissue in the jawbone. In dental osteoporosis treatments , the tissues taken from the patient's collarbone, leg or hip bones are grinded and applied to the weak area, and it is waited for three months for the bone tissues to fuse. There are also bone powder materials obtained from certain animals (such as horses and cattle) or synthetically. Which one to apply should be evaluated together with the specialist physician according to the rate of loss in the jawbone and the patient's preference.
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