Diş İmplantları

Ücretsiz Teşhis

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  • Google Reviews
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  • Ireneusz Kurzydlowski
    Amazing service, fast and professional treatment. Transfer from airport to clinic and back to hotel. No hidden cost and they provide you with translator. I already had experience with dental clinic in turkey and this one excel it in all aspects.
  • Rojda
    i was extremely satisfied with the care that i received from Emre and his team, they took their time to address all my concerns and provided the best dental plan for me, i would recommend their services for anyone who is looking for affordable as well as professional dental care in Turkey
  • Wayne Kennedy
    I have just completed the 1st part of my treatment with Dentarma in Antalya. I can highly recommend this company. Their friendly service and proffesional conduct from my initial phone call with Gabriel to meeting Professor Emre and his whole team at the Dentarma clinic has been outstanding. They... +More
    Dear Başak Şeker and Emre Şeker, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the exceptional care I received during my implant treatment at Dentarma Dental Clinic. My experience surpassed all expectations, thanks to your remarkable expertise... +More
  • Graham E Nash
    From the moment we landed at Antalya airport Dentarma looked after all of our needs. Two people so fearful of Dentists were made to feel reassured, and not did we for one second feel as if our fear of dentists was ignored. Everything was done at a pace to suite us, everything was explained, and... +More
  • Tanıl Cem
    Przyjechałem z Polski na leczenie zęba mądrości. Higieniczna, szybka i profesjonalna obsługa. Polecam każdemu.
  • Mihaela Pintilie
    Great treatment, Great team and great results! I did have an amazing experience with professor Seker and all his team! I do appreciate and recommend Dentarma Clinic because my experience was very good and I left from the clinic with very good results and happy! God bless you all!
  • Ron
    I do have a lot of work done on my teeth including crowns, root canals, fillings etc and finding a caring dentist who is honest was always a challenge for me, at last i found someone that i can trust my teeth with. Emre is a well educated and caring person who has the state of art equipment in his... +More
  • Berna Tamer
    I traveled from the United States specifically for a Full Mouth Zirconium Crown procedure, and I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome. The credit for this transformation goes to the exceptionally skilled Prosthesis Specialist Prof. Dr. Emre ŞEKER, whose expertise knows no bounds.He... +More
    One word to sum up my experience with Dentarma.... Amazing. From the very first contact on WhatsApp to the minute I stepped into the clinic. Dr Emre Seker and his staff are friendly, reassuring and totally professional. Any concerns and questions answered. I was really nervous about everything but... +More


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Diş İmplantları in Antalya / Turkey


Diş implant Tedavisi Antalya

Diş implantı nedir?


Diş implantı eksik dişlerin yerine kullanılan bir tedavi yöntemidir. Bu tedavi, diş protezi adı verilen diş protezine temel desteği sağlayan, vücut tarafından kabul edilen titanyum vidanın çene kemiğine yerleştirilmesini içerir. İmplant tedavisi, diş kaybından kaynaklanan boşluğun doldurulması ve dişlerin sağlam ve güvenli bir şekilde korunmasını sağlamak için kullanılır.

İmplant tedavisinin en önemli avantajı dişlerin doğal görünümünü ve fonksiyonunu geri kazanmasıdır. Ayrıca diş protezlerinin sık sık değiştirilmesi gibi zamanla dişlerin zayıflamasına neden olabilecek sorunların da önüne geçmektedir. İmplantlar doğal dişlere benzer şekilde yemek yeme, konuşma gibi aktivitelerde kullanılabilir ve uzun ömürlüdür.

İmplant tedavisi diş hekimi tarafından cerrahi bir işlem olarak gerçekleştirilir. Tedavinin başarısı implantın yerleştirildiği kemiğin miktarı ve kalitesi, hastanın diş ve diş eti sağlığı, implantın doğru yapılanması gibi faktörlere bağlıdır. İmplant tedavisi birkaç aşamadan oluşabilir ve birkaç ay sürebilir. Ancak bunun sonucunda hasta güçlü ve doğal görünen bir diş yapısına kavuşur.

Diş İmplant Çeşitleri

Diş implantları vidaların ve diş protezlerinin malzemesine göre farklı tiplere ayrılabilir. Bunlar şunları içerir:

Titanyum implantlar:

Vücut tarafından kabul edilen, en sık kullanılan malzeme.


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