Tand implantat


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  • Google Reviews
  • Trustpilot Excellent
  • Michael Potter
    2 ay önce I am sitting here on a Friday night Writing a revue and ignoring my beautiful wife. The reason? To convince anyone choosing dental treatment in Turkey to go ahead with Dentarma. They are the sole practice I've visited (highly recommended by others) and with so many choices of... +More
  • Slava Cerkavskij
    VERY Best service,well done,really professional team,care of you like a best friend.Multiple languages using,quick and worm welcomed always!Worth every penny you've spent.Highly reccomend!
  • Caramica ••
    I had the most amazing experience at the clinic
  • Wayne Kennedy
    I have just completed the 1st part of my treatment with Dentarma in Antalya. I can highly recommend this company. Their friendly service and proffesional conduct from my initial phone call with Gabriel to meeting Professor Emre and his whole team at the Dentarma clinic has been outstanding. They... +More
  • Johnny Walker
    I was very satisfied. The clinic was super clean proving they pay attention to hygiene. Prof. Seker is an amazing implant specialist. A close friend reccommended Dentarma and overall my experience was incredible. Was also my first time in Antalya and the city is gorgeous. Can’t wait to come back... +More
  • Dee
    Great service very professional and experienced staff had extractions and implants on the same day would definitely recommend
  • Aleksei Grenkóv
    Excellent job by the whole clinic - from receptionist up to the doctor and nurses, very fast and precise diagnostics just before the operation! Doctors are very careful and knowledgeable, gave much precious advice on further care.
  • Christopher Smith
    After contacting multiple dentists in turkey and receiving many responses the one that really stood out and made me feel like I wasn't just another pay check was Dentarma Turkey. From the very first contact with Ali the service I have received feels incredible. Ali has made sure I've been... +More
  • Mihaela ancuta Silica
    a week ago, I went to the clinic where I had the pleasure of meeting the best implantologist and a wonderful team, they treated me with great care, I didn't feel anything, no pain, I'm very happy, I recommend you with confidence
  • Haluk Tarım
    "My experience at Dentarma Clinic was nothing short of phenomenal. The professionalism and expertise of Başak Şeker and Emre Şeker are unparalleled. They instilled confidence in me from the initial consultation through the completion of my implant treatment. The attention to detail was... +More


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Tand implantat in Antalya / Turkey


Tand implantat Antalya Turkiet

Vad är ett tandimplantat?


Ett tandimplantat är en behandling som används för att ersätta saknade tänder. Denna behandling innebär att man placerar en titanskruv, som accepteras av kroppen, i käkbenet, vilket ger grundstödet för en tandprotes som kallas tandprotes. Implantatterapi används för att fylla gapet som orsakas av tandlossning och även för att säkerställa en stark och säker bevarande av tanden.

Den viktigaste fördelen med implantatterapi är att återställa tandens naturliga utseende och funktion. Dessutom förhindrar det problem som att ofta byta tandproteser, vilket kan försvaga tanden med tiden. Implantat kan användas i aktiviteter som att äta och prata, liknande naturliga tänder, och de har en lång livslängd.

Implantatbehandling utförs som ett kirurgiskt ingrepp av en tandläkare. Framgången för behandlingen beror på faktorer som mängden och kvaliteten på benen där implantatet placeras, patientens tand- och tandköttshälsa och implantatets korrekta struktur. Implantatbehandling kan bestå av flera steg och kan ta flera månader. Men som ett resultat uppnår patienten en stark och naturligt utseende tand.

Typer av tandimplantat

Tandimplantat kan kategoriseras i olika typer baserat på materialen i skruvar och tandproteser. Dessa inkluderar:


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